August September 2014 News letter


Bread of Life Baptist Mission

Newsletter                                                                                            August – September 2014

I greet you once again in the Name of Christ from the beautiful twin island republic of T&T. Thank you once again for your faithful prayers and financial support.


Beam completedBeam truck

July 2013 Pastor Tad Marshall of Lakeside Baptist Church, S.C. did the ground breaking ceremony for Calvary Independent Baptist Church.

Then in January 2014 we held our fist tent meeting on the foundation with Pastor Greg Gray of Calvary Baptist Church, Smithfield, Va.

Earlier this year I made a trip to the United States making my supporting churches and friends aware of the Beam Project. However, due to the increase in the price of steel and labour we were unable to pour the cement floor. This would cost us a further $6,000. US dollars.

Thanks to each one who have contributed to this project. Today Sept. 12th. the Beams have been erected. As you partner with us, I am hoping with your prayers and financial giving the building would be ready for our sixth anniversary July 2015.  Praise the Lord.  

Kay RI - 14    Darlin RI- 14   Kawal RI 14                                                                                        

Kay, her sister (Darling) and I are blessed with the opportunity to minister to the children at the Madras Government Primary School each Wednesday. Our three classes average around 75 – 80 children. Kay is in the infants department, she has twenty-six new children this school year to work with. Her first memorization verse is Gen. 2:7 because of the science subject that teaches evolution.


Bro. Nimrod Samuel is our newest member at CIBC. He came from a strong Hindu background. His wife and children are strong practicing Hindus; they even have a Hindu Temple at their home place.

Caroni has a very strong Hindu population. However, because it is my old home place I have the respect of the villagers. Pray for the salvation of souls and the furtherance of the Gospel Ministry.

Last month I hurt my back again and this time I could not walk. However, with one shot in the spine and two on the hip I am doing better, thank the Lord. Kay keeps saying I have the mind of a thirty five year old, but the body of sixty five and they do not match. I am trying to do better.

I have had my U.S. Non Immigrant Visa since 1966. However, last month when I applied for a renewal, the US Embassy turned me down. The officer asked what was I doing in the US, I said I was there for three Missionary Conferences and two Revival Meetings, his next question was did you preach, my answer was yes, he then said I am sorry I cannot grant you a visa.

This means I would be unable to visit the US for a while until I reapply. I would ask you all please remember to pray for the contunation of the church building as well as our personal support. We would love to have an average of around fifteen hundred US dollars per month.

Would you pray with me as I am planning another week of meetings possibly around the end of October the first week of November. I would be using Local Pastors and Missionaries for the preaching.

May the Good Sweet Lord continue to bless you and your labours.

In Christ,

Bro. Rampersad




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